
Instant Tennis "Biomechanics of Tennis Strokes"

by: JoviCa Milo Tennis

image Developed by JoviCa Milo Tennis "Instant Tennis" is a tennis instruction method utilizing some traditional tennis instruction techniques, but with an emphasis on "Biomechanics of Tennis Strokes", that offers both a beginner and an experienced player a guaranteed way to learn or to improve one tennis game!


What are "Biomechanics of Tennis Strokes"?

"Sports Biomechanics" is a quantitative based study and analysis of professional athletes and sports activities in general. It can simply be described as the physics of sports. Sports biomechanics help people obtain optimal muscle recruitment and performance and to apply proper load barring techniques to preserve the body. Biomechanics in sports can be stated as the muscular, joint and skeletal actions of the body during the execution of a given task, skill and/or technique. Proper understanding of biomechanics relating to sports skill has the greatest implications on: sport's performance, rehabilitation and injury prevention, along with sport mastery.

Why Will this Technique Improve My Game"?

There are many books and coaches that teach basic tennis techniques. However, the player has to "Feel" what they are doing and it has to "Feel Right". That is where Biomechanics in sports, in our case tennis, can be stated as the muscular, joint and skeletal actions of the body during the execution of a Serve, Backhand, Forehand, Volley, Overhead, Footwork and Movement. That simply makes those tasks "Feel Right". Not only will a beginner, or an intermediate player, become a more efficient and accurate player, but proper biomechanics will improve the physical loading of the body and therefore reduce injury and fatigue.


Instant Tennis

The Best Method to Learn Tennis